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A New Opportunity

In September of 2018, Altitude Events Group LLC assumed management of the long-running Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival from the Sun Valley Museum of Art. The SVMOA cited a desire to focus its energy more on its core mission of arts education rather than large scale events. Altitude Events Group and its owner Art Daves had been helping the SVMOA in the production of the Festival for two years prior, so the transition was very natural and comfortable. 

Based on some feedback and research in 2018 and 2019, there was an opportunity to stage a similar art show in the spring or summer over in the Treasure Valley area. With the population booming, the market could support and embrace a new venture of this sort. 

With Covid-19 pretty much demolishing the art show world in 2020, plans for this new festival were shelved until 2021. With a collaboration of some Treasure Valley artists and an ideal location in the City of Meridian, plans were announced in December 2020, and revised in January 2021, to stage the inaugural Treasure Valley Fine Arts Festival in August of 2021. 


As of January 2021, Covid health conditions in Idaho are prohibitive of large gatherings. The Treasure Valley Fine Arts Festival is moving forward however with event and artist plans. The event will adhere to all health protocols of the State of Idaho and City of Meridian at the time of the Festival, especially in regard to public gatherings. If a cancellation becomes necessary, we will make that determination in the June timeframe.

If you have attended the Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival, some elements there will carry over to the new Treasure Valley Fine Arts Festival. First and foremost, the event will be a juried festival, in 12 specific categories of professional artwork, with artists selling mainly original works, to ensure a high quality pool of artists. A user-friendly site layout will ensure the best possible scenario for artists to display their work and for patrons to consume it. For the first year however, the Treasure Valley show will be a two-day event rather than three. 

We sincerely hope you will attend, either as an artist or a patron, and help us establish and grow this exciting new arts festival in the Treasure Valley of Idaho.


For more information about the Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival or Altitude Events Group, email Art Daves at





Why start a new festival during a pandemic?


It does seem completely illogical at first glance. However there is the prospect of much better health conditions coming later in 2021. There is also a desire for a festival of this nature in the Treasure Valley, and so we want to provide this opportunity for artists and art patrons in that area. We recognize the risk of cancellation and will work very closely with the invited artists on contingency plans. No matter what the health conditions are at that time, this event will include many health precautions, including an outdoor, open setting, booth separation, hand sanitizer stations and extra cleaning of facilities.

Why the Treasure Valley?

A quick look at current demographics in the Boise metro area shows that the neighborhood communities to the west of Boise are experiencing the bulk of the population explosion. This includes Meridian, and it's location only nine miles west of Boise allows the residents there, and in other communities to the west, easy access to a fine arts show, where there hasn’t been one. It’s close proximity to Boise also means Boise residents have easy access to the Festival. Finally, the City of Meridian has been very accommodating to this event and has been a great partner in the shift of this festival to August.

What can customers and patrons expect?

We expect to have about 100 professional fine artists in attendance, rigorously selected by a knowledgeable jury, showing the community the latest in materials and techniques in the art world, and offering their wonderful work for sale. These artists will have applied to the show in one of 12 categories of artwork – Ceramics, Drawing, Fiber, Glass, Jewelry, Metal, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Woodwork. Guests to the show can also expect many food trucks operating in a healthy fashion, with a picnic area and light music.


How can patrons actually purchase artwork? 

Each individual artist is responsible for selling their artwork to the customers and patrons attending the show. They determine the price points and accept payments directly, through a variety of means including credit cards for most. They also are directly responsible for Idaho sales tax on their sales. The Festival is not involved in any transaction, and does not receive any commission from art sales. 

How can I find out more about the Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival or Altitude Events Group?

Altitude Events Group and its principal Art Daves has been involved with the long-running Sun Valley Arts & Crafts Festival for the past four years, including the past two as owner-operator. The 52nd annual Sun Valley Festival will be held in Ketchum on August 13-15, 2021. For more information, for sponsor inquiries, or for application information go to, or  email us, or call 208-720-5095.

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